What is SEO

The first Google is a doodle, a burning man. This was in 1998 and it was an out of office message from its Google founders Brind and Page, telling the people that the Nevada festival. Today, Google is an important part of online or internet use for users. For example, when it comes to consumers researching for a product or services, compared with visiting company websites and other social media platforms, consumer research using search engines is higher. 18 percent of consumers use social media platforms when researching a product. Only 24 percent visit the company website. 58 percent of consumers however use search engine such as Google. It is important for companies or businesses to become more visible in search engine results. In other words, it is important for business to be seen by consumers when they do online research. The way to do this is by search engine optimization or SEO.
SEO is the process of making website have higher ranking on search engines so that when internet users search for related product, service, item or topic, they can easily see the website. SEO is a continuous process wherein the website is continuously optimized so that it land on the first pages of search engine results. As users see the site, it will therefore have more visitors. SEO therefore is marketing, specifically online marketing. As more and more people are using the internet in purchasing and in other aspects of their lives, SEO is important for any website. So for businesses, SEO has become very necessary.
At the same time, SEO is the more practical solutions for companies or businesses to gain competitive advantage. For example, compared with outbound leads, such as cold calling, inbound leads, such as search engine optimization or SEO, is 61 percent cheaper. It is therefore the more cost effective way of marketing products and services. At the same time, there is more to SEO than just optimizing websites. Again these are important for any business.
I am feeling lucky in binary code was the first tweet of Google. This was in Feb 26, 2009. At that time, Google is already aware of the importance of internet marketing or online marketing. SEO includes other aspects of online marketing and online marketing techniques and strategies, such as using Tweets, blogs and social media. The use of internet is also constantly evolving and with SEO, businesses can be exactly where their consumers or market are in their internet use. For example, when it comes to internet usage, it is forecasted that mobile internet use, such as using smart phones or tablets, will take over desktop use by 2014. With the right SEO company, a business can take advantage of this by making the website accessible online through mobile apps and others. The business will therefore continuously increase its market share.