When conventional newspaper advertising isn’t bringing in foot traffic and online commercials aren’t generating pageviews, where do you turn to fill out your business’ bottom line? You change your outlook on marketing, of course! SEO, short for ‘search engine optimization’, is a modern method of reaching customers that uses a combination of search engines and popular keywords. You can also sell SEO services to other companies seeking out new ways of connecting with their audience. Below I’ll list the 6 great SEO reseller approaches to help you get your start!
Knowledge Is Power
To sell SEO you should know why it’s needed. Search engines are the most accessible way of getting useful information in the modern age, with 93% of online experiences beginning with a search engine and a whopping 61% of Internet users researching products they want to buy entirely online.
Global Search Engines
Google, Bing, Yahoo, you name it — they’ve been used to research everything from college essays to recipes to new clothes to driving directions! Over 100 billion global searches are conducted each month alone, which means there are plenty of markets you can tap into without even realizing it.
Customer Habits
Knowing what customers don’t like is one of the first steps of avoiding common pitfalls and spending your marketing money wisely. As many as 80% of customers will ignore paid ads entirely, often citing them as annoying, and will focus instead on results they themselves have sought out.
SEO Or Social Media?
While social media is a great tool for connecting with a wide audience, it lags behind SEO even still. It’s been found that search engines are the biggest driver of traffic, even beating out social media outlets like Twitter and Instagram!
Print Or SEO?
Print has seen a significant decrease in relevance, as well. SEO leads have a close rate of almost 15%, while outbound leads (think direct mail, print advertising and newspaper) struggle at almost 2%. When inbound rates are at least 61% cheaper than outbound, there’s no reason not to adopt SEO!
Simple And Organic
At the end of the day, SEO is used for its basic and organic approach to providing would-be customers with useful information. Encourage small and large businesses alike to forgo the glitz and glam of pricey advertisements and teach them instead how to profit from a good SEO reseller. With the top 6 great SEO reseller approaches under your belt, you’re well on your way to marketing success!